Capture Life in 5.7K 360°
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Discover the Benefits of the HTC Vive Focus 3 for Your Business
What is a Hackathon?
Coming to Cotie - 2-Day Innovation Discovery Studio
50% off Membership in October
Office space available from £25 per day
Do you spend a lot of time procrastinating?
Prototyping on our large format printer
Check out Petroc employer newsletter
Great week in Cotie
Ever wondered what he strongest filament is?
How to get a job in 3D Printing
Find out how your 3D design can turn into a product or prototype using a 3D printer
Want to 3D print but don't know how?
3D Print a house! - Amazing 3D Printed house projects
3D Prints - When should you use supports?
Get your Free beginners guide to 3D printing
Have you had to give up your office space due to the Pandemic?
Did you know you could get FREE CAD software for 12 months?