Cotie now has a second location in Tiverton
Cotie expanded, business access to the latest tech!
Ignite Your Entrepreneurial Spirit: Find Inspiration and Space at Cotie
Embracing the Future: Petroc's Business Innovation Hub Paves the Way for a Digital Revolution
Cotie: North Devon's Premier Innovation Hub
Breaking Down Barriers to Entrepreneurship: The Impact of Living Labs and Innovation Launchpads
Our First Metaverse Conference
Photogrammetry and how it is used in XR Technology.
Coming to Cotie - 2-Day Innovation Discovery Studio
Prototyping on our large format printer
The Queen's Awards for Enterprise 2022
Check out Petroc employer newsletter
Great week in Cotie
Ever wondered what he strongest filament is?
How to get a job in 3D Printing
Find out how your 3D design can turn into a product or prototype using a 3D printer
Want to 3D print but don't know how?
Are you a women with exciting, innovative ideas and ambitious plans that will inspire others?
Does your business need strong Digital Leaders?
3D Prints - When should you use supports?